Signs of life

September is almost past with the month of Halloween almost upon us, and what a month it’s been!

Thanks to everyone who has already picked up Change of Heart both the print and digital editions! It really means a lot to me! I’m also surprised by how quickly the books were delivered to some of you, wow!

Meanwhile, my own orders – even the ones I ordered directly to the address of reviwers – took their own sweet time being printed and shipped.

The first half of my order finally came in last week, and I’m THRILLED to finally see the book in the flesh, without the ugly ‘not for sale’ banner covering up Haru’s pretty face.

Carola holds up a fresh copy of Change of Heart

After admiring the boxes full of books for a while, the rest of the week was spent signing and shipping out books to those of you who’ve pre-ordered, to test readers as thanks for their invaluable help and to reviewers. I made a cute reel about it!

I still have some packages to ship out, and I am enjoying the process of writing little messages and adding in goodies before sending the books out to the world~ I can’t believe my boys aren’t just mine anymore!!

If you’ve already received your copy, please let me know what you think! I’m planning a whole post about this, but reviews, and sharing the book on social media helps me out massively, so I truly appreciate it. And of course I am soooo curious of what you all think of Noa and the chaos that surrounds him.

Until next time, be safe.


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